Jan 23,2010
Haiti Earthquake Victims
First up, My prayers rests with the victims and the survivors of the Haiti earthquake. Some of the images on TV this week has moved me to tears many times. They don't have a proper burial place or the time to bury the dead. Bulldozers are used to collect the bodies of the dead and they are burnt immediately for safety's sake. That's your exit right there.
All the world's a stage. And all men and women are merely players.They have their exits and entrances.
But these didn't get a proper send off. The cruelness of the entire picture hits you right across the face. Please donate as much as you can to Haiti relief fund.
Good, Bad and the Ugly
What is it with us humans? How do we manage to inspire ourselves, feel exasperated with ourselves, hate and loathe ourselves and sometimes even give up our extra-ordinarily gifted life of ours? How do we manage to surprise ourselves in almost every step of the way?
I was watching this remarkable story of Janette, a woman trapped in roubles of the devastating Haiti earthquake for more than 6 days. Her husband never gave up and apparently hung around the collapsed building for the 6 days trying to gather up some support for her rescue.
On the 6th day after the earthquake, finally some help arrived and after a big struggle, fire fighters managed to rescue the poor lady Janette from the rubbles. 6 Days of no sleep, water or food and fighting for her life, anybody could have excused her for fainting or not smiling at the cameras pointed at her.
Remarkably, the lady started praising the Good Lord and started singing a song in a great and joyful voice in her native language. In English it translated to 'Don't be Afraid of death'. It was a moment that moved me. Amid all the devastation of the earthquake, here's a woman who had fought death in it's face and survived for 6 days. Here's a woman who hasn't lost her verve to fight and wasn't prepared to give up the right to live her life. Here she is, signing in the face of adversity.
This is a moment for inspiration. For everybody. As a Christian, I can't thank God enough for saving her. I believe in Divine intervention and I believe that God hasn't let her down here. I don't know why, but I can only trust something I believe in. You see the video and you are inspired by what you see, and then you go and read the comments in the video link expecting something thankful.
But what do you see? Bitching, moaning, threats and accusations of racism and what not. It almost kills the optimism within your heart. There are people who are thanking the Good Lord, and there are some folk who teach the religious not to be so religious and thank only the fire fighters. And for good measure, liberal abuse for the big man up there for letting the earthquake happen in the first place. There are whites who wish black people are dead, and there are black people who accuse the racist white don't do enough.
For Pity's sake, Stop the hate. Atheist or Christian, Church of scientology or Jehovah's witness, it doesn't matter. We all need to take a break. This is your moment of inspiration. It doesn't matter what the truth is. It depends on how you interpret it. Religious folks call it Divine intervention. Atheists call it Human Courage. Whether it is the Grace of God, Awesome resilience of humans, Sheer Good luck of the woman, or Santa Claus, It all depends on how you see it. Grab the moment of joy and feel optimistic. Be inspired. You don't have to drive your point by pinning down the other person on the floor by proving your ideology. Let them live in their own bubble. You live in yours.
But be inspired. Think of Janette. Think of the bloody blessed life you have. Think of the whining you make for not getting the promotion and the pay hike. Be inspired by life. Glory to God.
Plans for tomorrow
Be inspired. Thank God. Finish work.
Youtube link of the day
How much you dislike America and it being the policeman of the world, you have to stand up and admire them for their charity work. Recession or no recession, Country down economically, no jobs left, markets eroded, bleak stock markets. We don't give a damn. A nation is in trouble, we'll help them. Staggeringly, an average American spends almost more than 25% of their annual salary on charitable activities. America, I salute you.