Thursday, September 16, 2010

A little wiser to the good

This week, I made my peace with a long lost friend. 

I haven't been in touch with that person for a long, long time. In the calendar of fairy tales, this used to be 'Long, long ago in Faraway land', I used to be friends with the person in question. If my recollection is correct, we weren't friends for long. 

Although our friendship was short and curtailed by petty fights, I actually was thrilled to have such a good friend. Like many good things, which come to a premature end, we ended up fighting and throwing it away. For goodness sake, we didn't kill each others cat. It's even funny to look back and reminisce about the past. I can't believe I had thrown away a good friend because I wanted to be cool. 

However long story short, after so many days, and after a couple of failed attempts to patch up, I managed to get in touch with that friend again. One thing's for certain, we are never going to be bosom buddies once more, and I don't expect a shoulder to cry on, as any true friend would offer. But it's good to still be in touch and know that there's no bad blood between the two of us. 

I was pleased with myself that I could try and patch up with a friend. Even if it amounts to nothing, it's at least a sign of my continuing maturity. I was also very happy for my long lost friend. Although we aren't going to be thicker than water, I'm happy that we made our peace. This will be one less of my regrets in life so far. 

Not playing for Manchester United, remains the first. 

1 comment:

Hephzi said...

now thts a sweet post..! so finally u r growing up..Not bad Josh .. lol